The Love & Gratitude


Johanna Iggsten and Sóley Ástudóttir. Sandrian, Nimh, Morris, Asta, Petur and Rebekka. You have pulled a lot of weight this last year, and made this album possible. Respect.
Leif Jensen at Century Media, Thomas Waber at InsideOut Music, Rob Pal-men at Glassville Music, Per Jonsson at Warner Chappell. The amazing Lars Ar-darve, Jørn-Arild Grefsrud, Peter Kvint, Daniel Bergstrand, Göra Näransson (George Nerantzis), Kim & Jim Howatt, Erik, Iris & Almar Hulsegge. Tushar Menon, Mike Portnoy, Micael Sundqvist, Lars “Ludde” Lundin. Mikael “M1” Eriksson, Martin “Barni” Johansson, Alfred and Jenny Magnus-son, Robin Ellingsen. Love Fagerstedt and Joakim S. Ham-mond. Alex Saltell. Milton Mendonca, Tiago Claro, Ari Junior, Nath Hera, Anneke van Giersbergen and Arstiðir. Hilmir Berg Ragnarsson, Location Toppstöðin, Eg-gert Feldskeri, Sirry Saemunds, Anna Clausen, Harpa Einars, Fridgerdur Gud-munds, Johan Liljegren and Sensus Sörmland.

And, with a great bow – all our devoted fans around the world.


One of our bass players in the early days of the band was very short, and I recall always feeling out of proportions when I walked beside him. I have gotten the same feeling about these thank you lists over the years, and for every album I say to myself that this time around I will have the shortest list in the band, just this once. And for this album I thought of having something in the line of:

“Daniel thanks Darth Vader, the prime number 73, F# minor and Jupiter.” (I really like Jupiter.)

But then I always come to think of all those people towards whom I truly want to express my gratitude , and I postpone that super catchy list for some other album in the future. Whenever that list comes, please keep in mind that it must have demanded a lot of battling against my true nature, and I probably regret it and wanted to thank you, and you, and you. Anyway, since I have already blatantly failed this time around too, as you can see, I might as well just keep going and spill my love right here on the floor for whomever to soak up and feel a bit warm and fuzzy inside (spot-the-card-game-reference moment).

Now and always, and more than I can express even in written words (and that says a lot), I am eternally thankful for my wonderful Johanna and our fan-tastic-beyond-belief children Sandrian, Nimh and Morris! This last year has reminded me of what I’ve always been painfully aware of; that there’s no tell-ing how long our time together will be. I hope for as many seconds, minutes, days and years that we can possibly squeeze out of the universe, and I’m sure every one of those seconds will teach me something. I love you.


I also want to thank the guys in the band, this second family of mine – and Johan, Johan and Fredrik who are still orbiting moons around that planet somehow, shedding light on our surface as you cross the sky at night. A special thanks to Ragnar, Soley, Asta, Petur and Rebekka, who have provided a safe haven for my sanity, and become an extended family for me, Johanna and our children these last years. The warmest of hugs to James Hol-lingworth who, as in a movie, stepped right out of the poster on the wall into real life, and proved to be just the hero I always thought he was. And to Peter Kvint, another wonderful person who I am proud to have met and worked with, and who also introduced me to Orange is the New Black – an act that, in itself, is reason enough to be on this list.

Micke Strang, Sanna Carlstedt, Roine Stolt, Mike Portnoy and Jonas Rein-gold, for all the trust and fun times, and for all your outside-the-safe-zone offers.
And as always, to those who are always right there to pick up the pace at any given heartbeat: Kim and Jim Howatt, Leif and Johan Simonsson, Lars Ardarve, Tushar Menon, Micael “Sunkan” Sundqvist, Thomas “Tjom-men” Alm, Daniel “Mägan” Magdic and Tobbe “Tobbe” (Tobbe) Arnesson. Never ever leave.

Thanks to everyone in my life who pushed me onwards. Thanks to everyone who tried to push me back. Your efforts may, interesting-ly enough, be equally important.

Rob, Gaby and Julia – so glad to have you back in our lives!

Much love to my original families: mom, dad, Kristoffer, Ewa, Peter, Liselotte and Ronja. And to my wed-ded families: Bosse, Ella, Eva, Lasse, Malin, Elin, Sanna, Johan, Stefan, Erik, Klara, Molly, Alva, Rasmus, Filippa and Vendela. And, of course, Daniel Larsson, John Norén, Fredrik Roman and James Steiner (rest in peace my friend, but may the peace be blazing and magically energetic).

My post-hospital days have been kind and brave enough to put me in the path of a lot of new contexts, people and – consequently – friends, without whom I might have been at a very different place now. Hence, the Daniel reborn would sincerely like to thank Jonathan Hultberg, Johan Segelstad, Elia Lundblad, Adam Axelsson, Lotta Nilsson and everyone else at Grana-terna Parkour & Free Running. Markus Chadda, Christian Hoikkala, Andreas Larsson and everyone else at Axé Capoeira Eskilstuna. Susanne, Marianne and all kids and classes at Kjula and Vallby elementary schools.
Tone Holmås!

Last, and far from least, to the only entities I feel truly connected to and at peace with: the starry night sky, the ocean, the deep forests, fire, the view from a high roof. You make me weep that good weep.

Ok, so it was not the shortest list, but maybe on par with one of the others’? Ah… Ok. I see.


Daniel, Gustaf, D2 and Ragnar.
Pierre Hagström and Marcus Höglund Janne Höiland, Chris Andersson, Robin Jacobsson, Håkan Cato Lord Zetter-kvist, Mathias Landelius.
Fredrik Hermansson.


Ragnar Zolberg would like to thank people in person.


Thank you and nobody else but you.


My family
The band and crew
Richard Lundh
Fredrik Hermansson
Rasmus Uhlin